Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Come with innocent face, and leave with big smile.
Stay tuned.

The Banner, is here!



Hard to leave.

Hey folks.
It's gettin' weird.After all i do, it's really hurts when you realized that you're fallin' love.
It's really............weird i think.
I always looking for you.
Find you were i with my bestgurls. I always want to have time when i want to look you. I always do.
The way you walk when you with your friend.
Everytime, i always looking for you.
There are nobody know you. Just me and allah that know you're.
I know it's weird. But, the truth it is..........
I just want to keep it.

But,i don't want to keep it forever. Love can changed. It's mean, if you love someone now, it doesn't mean that you'll love she/he forever. Except,soulmate.

I really hate post about love, for sure. But..............................forget it. I forget what i must to say.
Last, i made it for you (:

The Title is "After Dreaming of You"

Stay tuned guys.

0 Hug&Kisess:

Template by RenitaRiskanauli