Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Come with innocent face, and leave with big smile.
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Today? Hm.....

Night! Gila udh jam 00:12 aja-_-

Oke, gue lg bosen bangetdh tp malez tidur wkwkwk. So? Gue mending pusting ye ga?
Well, gue punya satu fact neh! Btw, gue lupa dia udh pernah bilang apa engga. Ato gue yg pikun? Whtevr lah-_-
Enden, this night gonna be a sucks night. Why? Gila malem imi mood gue acur 100000000% gatau kenapa.
Bawaan gue boring mulu.

Btw, td gue abis DVD MARATHON! YEAY!
Pilem yg gw tonton ga jauh2 dr Romansa....
Coz, actually i prefer to romance!
I really got boring if i were watched HORROR.
Seru bgt td, masak o'corn wkwk. Minum fanta sampe mabok. Ketawaan sampe iler nemplok kemana-mana
AndThen, td gue nonton Fame, 500 days of Summer, and also Valentine's day.

Tp karena Val's day gue udh nonton yodah gue ke tipi yg diluar kamer gue, trs nonton BBF! AaAaAa
Abs itu pade-pade pulang dan gue beli kebab :9

Ohiya td gue kesel bgt, lg perang gitu di pisbuk dan MATI LAMPU
I just have to say ONE word. S.I.A.L.A.N

K that's all.

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Template by RenitaRiskanauli